Adam's Bridge - A Chain of Sand Islands which connects India and Sri Lanka

Adam's Bridge
Adam’s Bridge is a chain of limestone which connects India and Sri Lanka at specific places. Indeed this is a string of sand islands. The other names of it are Rama's Bridge or Rama Setu. 

This bridge is 18 miles, it means 30 kilometers long and separates the southwest of Gulf of Mannar from the northeast of Palk Strait . Some of the sandbanks here are much dry. Especially the sea in the area is very shallow. It is being only 1 - 10 meters deep in places, which obstructs navigation.

When you see this in the map a small line which is connecting 2 countries i.e India and Srilanka is claimed to have been built by Rama's Army who are mentioned as Vanara, According to 'Ramayana' which is the Ancient Sanskrit Epic by Valmiki. When Lord Krishna’s incarnation 'Rama' faced the difficulty of crossing the Indian Ocean  to reach Lanka to set free his wife ‘Sita’ who was kidnapped by 'Ravana', this bridge was constructed by ‘Vanaras’ (Ape – Men) with the guidance of ‘Nala’.

But, the existence of Ramayana is questioned at present, whether it is a history or a fiction. If Ramayana can be proved as a history then this bridge will be declared as built by Men or Ape-Men, which claims it is man – made. However it is estimated according to images provided by the Nasa shuttle that this bridge is about 1,750,000 years ago. So there is no doubt this is a man – made bridge. Moreover it is believed when a cyclone broke the bridge apart and at present it cannot be crossed. 

A British Cartographer named this place as ‘Adam's Bridge’ in 1804 which gives reference to the Abrahamic myth. According that a man called ‘Adam’ used this bridge to reach Adam's Peak which is located in Sri-Lanka.

There are some more interesting and fascinating places near to this bridge. Such as Sri Ramanathaswamy Temple, Dhanush Kodi beach and Pamban Bridge in India and the Old Pier and Talaimannar light house in Sri Lanka.

Those who are in Sri Lanka can enjoy the landscape here, which is breathtaking on the white sands, shallow salty water ponds and sand grass with eye-catching colourful flowers. Further they can enjoy about 15 kilometers out to the sea which usually takes 3 hours including a stopover on one of the sand islands. There you can bath in the crystal clear water.

Location of Adam's Bridge - Connecting India and Sri Lanka

Adam's Bridge - Close view

Sand Islands in Adam's Bridge near Sri Lanka

The Bird Island - The Third Island in Adam's Bridge

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